
Dear Friend,

It’s easy to feel angry, depressed or numbed out by the overwhelming challenges of the world. With rising global temperatures, migrant kids in detention centers, or corporations that seem to be ruining just about everything... we often feel upset and just don't know what to do about it.

Let’s BE THE REVOLUTION! There will be 21+ Experts In Politics, Marketing, Academia, And Grassroots Organizing. These speakers and their organizations are fighting back against corporate greed and political corruption. Discover the most effective ways to help build a society that honors and respects all people, animals and the environment.

This free summit starts TODAY, Wednesday, December 11th, 11am PST/2pm EST. When you sign up, you'll get a new talk every day by another world-changing visionary leader who breaks down their secrets to getting results.

Watch the promo video and register at betherevolution.us

These speakers and their organizations are fighting back against corporate greed and political corruption. Discover the most effective ways to help build a society that honors and respects all people, animals and the environment.

Click here to get a free ticket for the Be the Revolution Online Summit.

Thank you,

Charles Lenchner (People for Bernie)

PS: I'm not just promoting the summit, I'm one of the featured experts. The organizer - Jay Ponti - has been a good friend of People for Bernie and is active in support of the Bernie Sanders campaign. If this is a message you'd rather not receive in the future - please do click the unsubscribe link.

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