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Climate Justice

This week’s Climate Justice newsletter highlights the importance of solidarity and mutual aid in efforts to realize climate and environmental justice. First, we feature an interview with Olúfemi O. Táíwò, who argues that reparations are an act of solidarity with Black people and a necessary part of rectifying racial injustice and mitigating the climate crisis. Next, we revisit Tanya Gulliver-Garcia’s article on the powerful role that mutual aid organizations have played in helping communities survive and recover from environmental disasters. We continue with Lori Stern’s discussion of the importance of building a solidarity economy for organic agriculture if we are to create a resilient, equitable food system. Finally, we invite you to look at NPQ’s new job posting for a Climate Justice Senior Editor.

Constructing Solidarity: An Interview with Olúfemi O. Táíwò

Reparations is not only about repairing harm or changing relationships. It is about constructing a new world. Author and philosopher Olúfemi O. Táíwò discusses this approach as the solution to the climate crisis and its attendant racial and economic injustices. Read more…
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The Growing Role of Mutual Aid

The climate crisis is accelerating the pace of natural disasters. One way disaster recovery can address this is by supporting localities to build their capacity for mutual aid. Read more…
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Rethinking Food with Solidarity in Mind: Lessons from COVID-19

The nation’s food system has never been more inequitable. But spurred by the pandemic, a more equitable system of regenerative agriculture is rapidly emerging. Read more...
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NPQ Job Posting: Senior Editor, Climate Justice

We’re expanding our team: NPQ’s climate justice desk is looking for a senior editor! Read more…
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