A nonprofit makes a masterful call to action using their non-cash capital, the Nobel Prize might get awarded for cluelessness this year, University of Phoenix must repay students says FTC, and more!
Not all employee ownership is the same. To reduce wealth and income inequality, company culture must change, which Keeling believes is only likely to happen when workers own a substantial share of the company.
Download the Snapshot of Today’s Philanthropic Landscape Featuring the most recent philanthropic data, this exclusive guidebook offers comprehensive information on individual, foundation, corporate, and online giving in America, along with multi-year trends.
More nonprofits need to recognize the potential of engaging their stakeholders and what is required to mobilizing them. This is one model worth watching.
Austrian novelist Peter Handke’s Nobel in Literature drew boycotts, a protest, and a petition because he’s seen as an apologist for the Muslim genocide during the 1990s Balkan wars.
Some markets are too important to leave to profitmaking entities. Higher education, where many have been left with no jobs and heavy debt as a result of fraudulent marketing, may be one of them.
Can you raise pigs without the widespread use of antibiotics that fuel drug-resistant germs? Denmark, which raises 32 million pigs a year, suggests you can.
Do you know what you don’t know about State Charity Registration? Charity Compliance Solutions' mission is to provide nonprofit and charitable organizations with professional and comprehensive state registration services. Take the burden off your desk so that you can concentrate on making the world a better place.