Learn about the latest system updates, data releases, and educational opportunities for data.census.gov.
Feedback is at the core of all improvements to data.census.gov. It keeps our fingers on the pulse of data users? needs and expectations. Feedback is critical to how the site evolves and continues to be key to improvements made to our data platform. Like other data platforms you may have heard of, data.census.gov uses the Agile Process to inform future development choices. The Agile Development cycle begins and ends with user feedback.?
Just as with other changes to data.census.gov, the recent updates from the modern design refresh in June were tested,?and we collected feedback from a variety of sources prior to the release.?
As we collect feedback, we find issues to prioritize. Then, we share this information with the developers. The issues are then addressed by the developers and tested, before being released to the public. Feedback is once again collected, and the cycle continues.
As you continue to use data.census.gov and explore the new look-and-feel, please provide us with any comments that you have such as, does the new design help you navigate through data.census.gov in an easier, more intuitive manner? Are the changes to the site going in the right direction??All feedback can be emailed to at?[email protected].?We look forward to hearing from you!?
Upcoming Workshops
Get hands-on practice with data.census.gov by joining one of our upcoming workshops.
Basics of Finding Data on data.census.gov
These participatory classes walk you through examples that cover the basics of using data.census.gov to find demographic and economic data, including ways to search, options available for getting tables into Excel, how to map a table, and more.
Advanced Usage of data.census.gov
For experienced users of data.census.gov, or those who have completed the ?Basics of Finding Data Using data.census.gov? workshop, this participatory class walks you through some of the more advanced ways to use data.census.gov to find demographic and economic data, including detailed race, ethnicity, and ancestry data, finding data for collections of geographies, using geographic components, and more.
Coming Soon
In future updates to data.census.gov, we are working toward:
- Improved Geography Profiles
- Enhanced search
- Defect fixes
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