What's going on in the chapter this week?
Atlanta DSA Red Clay Comrade / Weekly Newsletter

🗣 Speak Up for an Atlanta City Abortion Fund! 🗣

DSA and Logistics Worker Organizing

This past Saturday we spoke with hundreds of Atlantans who think City Council should vote YES for a $300k abortion fund! Join us Today! Monday 12:30 PM at City Hall to testify at the City Council meeting in support of abortion rights!


✊ TONIGHT: DSA & Logistics Worker Organizing ✊

DSA and Logistics Worker Organizing

Amazon and UPS workers across the country are fighting to build collective power, and we need YOU to get involved. This year, Amazon workers made history in New York City in a successful vote to unionize a fulfillment center with thousands of workers.


Meanwhile, UPS Teamsters are gearing up for next year when their contract covering over 340,000 workers is set to expire. What will it take to push this work forward? Why is organizing the logistics industry so critical for rebuilding the US labor movement? And how can you get involved? 


Join us virtually Monday, August 1st at 7 PM as members of DSA Labor's Logistics Committee discuss these questions with Atlanta DSA. If you're interested in getting directly involved in the effort to organize the logistics industry and build worker power nationwide, RSVP to attend!


🎧 Mainline Podcast: Amazon Walk-Out! 🎧

Revolutionary Social Democracy Discussion with Author Eric Blanc

Hear the latest from the Mainline podcast on the Prime Day Amazon walk-out in Doraville, GA. Mainline speaks with Amazon and DSA organizers on their organizing efforts, working conditions, the recent unionization wave across the U.S., and specifically what it means for the South!


Mainline has made this Patreon-Exclusive talk available for free for the next week! Listen now while it's still available and make sure to donate to support independent journalism in Atlanta.


📚 8/3: Revolutionary Social Democracy with Eric Blanc 📚

Revolutionary Social Democracy Discussion with Author Eric Blanc

Join our Zoom call Wednesday, August 3rd at 7 PM for a discussion with author, organizer, and labor studies scholar Eric Blanc on his recent book Revolutionary Social Democracy. Learn about the politics and practices of the socialist parties that fought for democracy and workers' power across the entire span of the Russian Empire, and the implications on our socialist movement today! This event is open to all.


🌹 Protect Abortion Training #2 🌹

Outreach Day on the Beltline!

Our bodies, our lives, our rights, and our democracy are on the line as the ruling class seeks to control our reproductive labor and outlaws abortion. We know a mass movement is the only thing that can save us. And we know only we, the people, can build that movement.


This Tuesday, August 2, 2022 8:30 PM - 10:00PM is the second of a two-part training series. The second call will be an interactive workshop to help you develop a long-term organizing strategy and campaign tailored to your unique conditions and therefore more likely to succeed. When you RSVP for this call, you will receive a video of the previous training.


✨ Workplace Canvassing Training ✨

Workplace Canvassing Training

From Starbucks to Amazon, workplace union drives are popping up all around the country! Aside from organizing our own workplaces, how can we as DSA support the labor movement and show solidarity with these workers challenging some of the biggest corporate giants?


Join ATL DSA's Labor Committee for a workplace organizing canvassing training Monday, August 8th at 7 PM at the AFSC Office (711 Catherine St. SW). Come learn how to canvass workplaces to find organizing leads, speak to workers about union organizing, and help workers gain access to the resources and support they need. We'll discuss canvass raps and how to have effective organizing conversations. 


📕 Marxism & Politics Reading Group 📕

Marxism and Politics Graphic


Join us for a fun and engaging discussion of Marxist ideas!


Our Marxism & Politics Reading Group is having our next meeting Thursday, August 11, 8pm – 9pm


Our discussions focus on big picture ideas, unpacking fundamental concepts of historical, political, and economic analysis.


🗣Workplace Roundtable 🗣

Workplace Roundtable

Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's labor committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW on Monday 8/15 from 7:00-9:00 PM.


This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies, and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!


💖 Virtual Self-Managed Abortion Info Session 💖

Virtual Self-Managed Abortion Info Session
Join us August 17th at 7:00 PM for a virtual information-sharing session about self-managed abortion. Abortion pills are safe, effective, and private! In this session, we'll go over what a medication abortion is, talk about the history of self-managed abortion with pills, and share the publicly available World Health Organization protocols for individuals self-managing their abortions. This session is not medical or legal advice!

🌹 Emergency Workplace Organizing Training 🌹

The eighth series of the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee's Organizing Training Series starts virtually on Wednesday, August 10th at 8 PM and continues weekly every Wednesday until August 31st. Topics discussed include Analyzing Your Workplace, Bringing Coworkers Together, and Getting Over Fear and Taking Action. Support for workplace organizing is also available before August 10th, so if you need one-on-one assistance, don't hesitate to sign up! 


😤 Seize the Memes 😤

Virtual Self-Managed Abortion Info Session

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America atldsa.org

Fighting for the many, not the few