WHAT: 350Fairfax General Zoom Meeting, Thursday, August 4, 7:30pm
LEARN: Back by popular demand, Charles Forbes, Chief of Recycling, Compliance and Planning of the Fairfax County Waste Management Dept. will be our speaker. Charlie will give us an update and discuss the county's 2023 plan.
Seize this opportunity to ask your questions about Fairfax County's current and future programs regarding waste management. We all know that waste is a huge contributor to climate change and Charlie will help us learn what the County plans to do about it.
ACTION: Volunteers from 350Fairfax continue to staff the Herndon Farmers Market compost station every Thursday. If you would like to volunteer we have openings in September and October. Email me at
[email protected]
RSVP here for Zoom Link.
We hope to see you on the 4th!
For the climate,