Last week I took part in Parliament's General Debate to highlight
the shocking instances of crime, attacks on ethnic New Zealanders and
the failure of Labour to ensure there is law and order in New Zealand
streets. Police
wait times have skyrocketed, innocent shopkeepers and customers
are being assaulted and storefronts are being ram-raided with
impunity. It's only getting worse.
The Government must listen and protect Kiwis living in fear under
Below is my speech to the House and you can watch it here.
Thank you, Mr
Speaker. Just a couple of days ago, there was yet another racially
motivated attack on a father, a Chinese man, in our super-diverse
Auckland city, outside a supermarket—Pak 'N Save in Albany—on Sunday
morning. He was a software specialist, a role vitally needed in this
country. There are well over 3,000 ICT job vacancies today in New
Zealand. He was assaulted. To quote his daughter, who was actually
reported in the New Zealand Herald, "'He was trying to shield himself
and ended up on the floor.' 'The other man kept on kicking him and
hitting him.' He tried to hide behind [his] shopping trolley but the
man continued his attack and at one point threw eggs he had purchased
at her father. One witness, also a Chinese man, called the police and
stayed with her father until they arrived. By the time [the officer]
arrived the attacker had fled. Her father [at] this point [was] kicked
or punched in his lower back, chest, stomach, and head, and was
covered in egg residue. He was taken to a nearby White Cross clinic
for assessment, having suffered multiple bruises to his
I commend the bravery of
the Pak 'N Save Albany supermarket manager, who stepped in to protect
this man, but this kind of Asian hate and attacks on Asian people has
actually increased since the advent of COVID having actually come
across to New Zealand and people blaming COVID on the Asian community.
I'd like to commend every member of the public who steps in to say no
to racism and actually just stop anti-ethnic violence and to stop
Asian hate, because they certainly are doing a heck of a lot better
than a Government who only gives lip service to this issue. The charge
to go back to where you come from is one that echoes across this
country for ethnic New Zealanders, despite many of them—actually,
quite a majority of them—having actually lived here for generations,
and yet they get this thing: "Go back to your country." Especially for
those who actually are born in New Zealand, where are they to go back
to? They don't have a country, apart from New Zealand.
I have personally been
slandered in this very House by people who were rewarded with high
office under Labour. They claim hate speech laws are needed. Maybe
they should look into themselves and the deficits in law and order
that have sprung up under this Labour Government, and execute and
implement laws that we already have in this country. There are dozens
of stories that I could potentially tell on this particular issue, but
we can look into the very electorate of the Prime Minister: Mt Albert.
I have visited many shops in Sandringham, and many shops are covered
up with boards, plywood. The windows haven't actually been replaced.
There are shopkeepers who are sleeping on the floor of their shop
because they are worried that they will once again be ram-raided. The
majority of these people are Asian. One particular shop has been
ram-raided and broken into more than a dozen times. There was a shisha
shop—not even a vape shop—that actually sells intricate shisha pipes
for ethnic communities, which was reduced to one window only. The
shopkeeper doesn't even open the door wide, and he had actually been
broken into many times, at least five times in as many months. The
instances were caused by teenagers for this particular man.
The Prime Minister cannot
even bring law and order to her own electorate. She cannot even keep
the streets of Mt Albert safe. Labour are not backing New Zealand's
ethnic communities, and they cannot even keep the shops in
Sandringham, and the people, safe. It is time the Government actually
does something—or do all ethnic communities just wait until National
returns to Government? Because we can certainly do the action. This
Government is all about pretty conversations, huis, and lip service.
They are certainly not delivering for the ethnic community.

The Government is pushing ahead with it's wasteful spending plans
on the future of New Zealand media with the introduction of the
Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill.
The plan is shocking during a cost of living crisis. It will cost
$327 million over the next three years and $370 million all up to
merge RNZ and TVNZ with no new content created in the process or a
single job lost in redundancy beyond the CEOs of the subsumed
entities. There is simply no reason for the creation of a new Public
Media monolith that will reduce media plurality in New Zealand and
National will oppose this example of yet more poor spending and bad
planning under Labour.
Submissions have now opened for Members of the Public to have their
say and I encourage you all to make a submission using the link
out my speech below:
This bill actually does
exactly what the Minister wants. It is very simple. It basically gets
rid of TVNZ and RNZ, two very loved entities in New Zealand, and
creates a new public media entity. However, I don't think it actually
does what the Minister hopes. The Minister hopes that this is going to
be aspirational and bring about trust in the media sector. I think it
is probably very helpful if we actually go to the genesis of how this
bill actually began. Before I do that, I'd like to sort of mention
that Aotearoa New Zealand public media is not exactly something that
inspires or creates an imagery in one's mind of amazing entertainment
or amazing news or a trusted news entity, which we hope that the new
public media entity will be—and I hope there will be a name for the
entity; I'm not quite sure how that's going to be achieved.
The explanatory note of
the bill basically says that it seeks to strengthen the delivery of
public media services to New Zealanders by establishing a new public
media. Yep—this bill actually does that. But it actually goes on to
say that the media landscape is changing rapidly: the trends are of
increasing competition around the world in terms of where people are
actually getting their news or entertainment or sport. It's actually
changing: people are not going to the traditional linear television or
radio that they used to listen to and watch; they're going to
streaming services, they're going to other—I won't name all of them,
but things like YouTube. Young people are forever watching YouTube,
for example. They go to social media to get their news.
Over the years of COVID
lockdowns, over the last couple of years, the trust factor in media
has actually gone down dramatically, and part of the reason was the
Public Interest Journalism Fund and the very fact that there was a
perception that the Government was giving media a kind of a bribe. So
media should not be trusted because they were literally being a
mouthpiece for the Government. So how will this new public media
entity—which, effectively, as the Minister actually said, what was
non-commercial will still stay non-commercial, what was linear
television will still remain linear television, what was digital will
still remain digital. So what is the new vision for this new entity?
What is the challenge for this new entity to provide for the vast
majority of New Zealanders, who are hungry for new New Zealand
Considering the fact that
this genesis comes from the former Minister of Broadcasting, the Hon
Clare Curran, who actually began the process thinking that we needed a
change—she wanted to turn RNZ, Radio New Zealand, into a television
station as well. I always used to think that Radio New Zealand does
radio well; it doesn't quite do TV very well; we already have an
existing TVNZ that does it very, very well. The commercial imperative
that TVNZ has actually provides the Crown with money where they
actually profit from their enterprise. And I'm just wondering why the
Minister is turning this new entity, ANZPM—let's just call it that;
Aoteroa New Zealand Public Media is quite a long thing—into an
autonomous Crown entity. Why the change, Minister, because what an
autonomous Crown entity actually means is that, and I quote, it "has
to give regard to Government policy when directed by the responsible
If that is the case, how
will the public trust this new entity to be a step removed from
Government policy or the dictation by the Ministers to do whatever
they actually want the media to do. Where will that trust factor go?
It is already down. I can't imagine it getting any better as a result.
So I wonder if the select committee could actually consider
potentially making this an independent Crown entity which perhaps says
that it means that it is generally independent of Government policy,
or something that is actually independent of the Minister dictating to
the entity what to do. I know the Ministers are not supposed to
dictate what kind of content the entities are supposed to actually
produce, but the thing is that there are so many different ways: the
Ministers actually appoint the board members—there is influence there.
I think that anything that we can actually do to remove the Government
hand from the news media and the new public media entity would be a
good thing.
The other aspect of it is
that I read this bill and it was very straightforward that it gets rid
of the two entities, all of the assets, and everything in it becomes
the new entity. So in that aspect it is actually very straightforward
and very simple. But the thing that I could not understand in this
bill is the very notion that when Radio New Zealand, a big entity, and
Television New Zealand, TVNZ, a bigger entity, merges, comes together,
to create one, there's not going to be a single redundancy. Are you
kidding me? Has anyone ever seen a merger where there are absolutely
no redundancies? Well, it looks like the Government's actually
starting a trend. They merge two big entities and they are thinking
there are not going to be any redundancies. Well, good luck. I would
like to see that actually happening, but I feel very, very sorry for
the two entities who actually are going through a very stressful time,
because this has been going on ever since the Labour Government came
to power, and for five years they have been wondering what their
entity was going to be—whether it was going to be "Radio New Zealand
Plus", whether it was going to be a merger, and all that. In a way,
finally, there is a new entity, and apparently, all of your jobs are
safe, so, in a sense, maybe you should actually breathe a sigh of
The other aspect of it is
that one of the reasons why sometimes I actually question the role of
charter—there are charters and there are charters. When we were
reviewing the Radio New Zealand Charter recently in the Economic
Development, Science and Innovation Committee, we weren't going to
actually get an opportunity to review it, because this merged entity
legislation was going to come to the House, and I felt that because it
was legislated, every five years the RNZ Charter had to be reviewed
and we needed to actually do our duty as a Parliament to review
But, you know, we were
told that charters are aspirational. And when you consider the fact
that the business case that this merger is a result of, the business
case where numerous consultants and numerous working groups and people
have actually worked on this—which literally cost the taxpayers close
to $20 million—which was given before even the 2022 Budget, this is an
aspirational document, the charter, and it doesn't give any
prescriptive discussions or, I guess, a hope from the Minister or
wishes of the Minister of how the charter or the entity should operate
to create the kind of media entity that the Minister hopes this will
be. It's like when we actually got rid of the previous TVNZ Charter
because it really did nothing apart from lip service—this almost
sounds like it.
There is going to be six
to nine board members appointed, and among them, two will have Te Ao
Māori and tikanga Māori understanding in order to be appointed to the
board. I think, you know, when you actually consider the fact that we
have a cost of living crisis, we have a Government who spends $327
million to create a megastructure and has given no indication as to
how the entity may make $306 million over the next six years—that is
$50 million a year—by tying their hands behind the back. I'm not so
sure if this is going to work. I oppose this bill.