From Chris Murphy <[email protected]>
Subject Help CT Dems reach their goal
Date July 31, 2022 11:45 PM
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Hi John, it’s Senator Chris Murphy. I wanted to reach out before tonight’s deadline because CT Dems is still short of their fundraising goal for July.

Democrats from Connecticut are leading the way in Congress on so many fronts right now working to pass legislation that protects you and your loved ones. That is why, along with my Democratic colleagues, I fought so hard to break the logjam in Congress and pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act , which is the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years. But there is still more work to be done.

We need to send a message to extremists in Connecticut and across the country that Americans are demanding better by showing up in big numbers to vote on August 9th. If you can, please donate any amount right now to support CT Dems’ outreach efforts and turn out as many voters as possible: [[link removed]]Donate [[link removed]]

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy — it’s how we elect the leaders who will fight to protect our fundamental rights and work for you. But right now, a small number of wealthy donors are disproportionately influencing our political system with their dark money, and the GOP is doing nothing to stop it.

I am proud to stand with Connecticut Democrats as they work to mobilize voters across our state and ensure everyone can make their voices heard on August 9th.

If you haven’t had a chance to donate ahead of the primary Election Day or would like to double down on your support for the work of CT Democrats, you can do so by clicking here: [link removed] [[link removed]]

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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