Your support means everything to this campaign.

Hey Jack,

Earlier today, my campaign manager sent out an email letting everyone know that we’re just 100 days away from November 8 – Election Day. Believe me, I’m surprised too.

Our team has been working so hard to make sure our rights are protected and that all the progress we’ve made in New Mexico is secure. Your support through all of this has not gone unnoticed, and I want to thank you for propelling this campaign forward every day.

In these last 100 days, we are going to keep knocking on doors, making calls and texts, and talking to voters about why this election is so important to our democracy – on top of making sure our elections run smoothly. Our plates are full, and we need all the help we can get. Will you contribute $5 right now to make sure we have the resources to reach even more voters and protect our democracy?

I sincerely appreciate any support you can give. With people like you on our team, I know we’ve got this!

Maggie Toulouse Oliver

--------Forwarded Email---------

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

Time flies when you’re on the campaign trail, Jack.

As of today, there are just 100 days left until Election Day! This means we only have 100 days to knock doors, make calls and texts, and talk to voters about the importance of protecting our democracy in November.

With everything that’s still left to do, we really need all the help we can get. Will you donate $20 or whatever you can RIGHT NOW to make sure we have the resources to reach as many voters as possible before Election Day? We have $1,340 left to raise before midnight →

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$10 »
$20 »
$35 »
$50 »
$100 »

In the months to come, our team will be laser-focused on doing everything we can to ensure we don’t lose this seat to an anti-democracy conspiracy theorist. The question is, will you stand with us?

Let’s do this,

Dylan McArthur
Campaign Manager

Contributions or gifts to Friends of Maggie are not tax deductible.

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