Dear John,
This last week every Democrat in the House of Representatives VOTED TO GUARANTEE THE RIGHT TO CONTRACEPTION in every state.
Republicans in the U.S. Senate REFUSED TO VOTE on legislation that would block extremist laws in some states that will outlaw contraception.
This is not fake news. As shocking as it sounds this is exactly what happened yesterday in Washington, D.C. as Republican Senators and Representatives fearing the right-wing extremists in their base cave to their anti-women demands.
This is not a laughing matter either. Although this cruel and extremist behavior on the part of Republicans may seem like a sick joke, it’s not. They’re deadly serious. They’re spending millions to win right-wing majority control of Congress in the mid-terms so they can put women in their place.
This is no time to wish the Democrats could do more. They’re doing all they can. Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade Democrats in the House have passed every pro-choice, pro-equality bill introduced to protect our rights. It’s Mitch McConnell, his axis of right-wing Republicans hiding behind the filibuster who have blocked every attempt to protect and defend women.
This is not the time to whine, or wish, and do nothing.
The one practical action each of us can take to protect women—including access to contraception--is to make sure we’re registered and then vote.
Sound too simple? It’s not. By voting to maintain the Democrat's majority in the House AND increasing the number of Democratic seats in the U.S. Senate we can break the filibuster and pass legislation that will restore Roe v. Wade nationwide and grant full access to contraception (with or without the votes of Senators Manchin and Sinema) and rid the Senate of Republican extremists.
As an early warm up for the mid-terms why not tell Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy how you feel.
Click here to send McConnell and McCarthy a message or write your own.
Remember. A vote for Republicans is a vote to destroy women’s lives.
For equality,

Eleanor Smeal
P.S. Please share this with your friends and send your message today.
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