
Before July ends and August begins we need to raise an additional $672 in order to reach our goal. Can you help us bridge the gap?

Anything you can give today will give us the momentum and operational success to win big in 2022.

Our candidates are busy everyday door knocking and phone banking to get elected. We are working hard to fund our digital and mail strategy for the 2022 midterm elections to elect the most young Republicans in history but we need your support to get us over the finish line.

Can you donate to our Federation before the time runs out?

We know that together we can win. Anything you can invest in our efforts before midnight tonight will help us be successful.

- NHYR Finance Team



New Hampshire Young Republicans ? 10 Water St, Concord, NH 03301, United States
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Paid for by New Hampshire Young Republicans PAC. 10 Water Street, Concord, NH 03301. Travis O'Hara, Treasurer.