With your support, we can and will win.

Dear John,

From record-setting temperatures in Texas to power outages in New York and heat-related deaths1 from Maryland to Arizona — the last week has given us all a brief taste of the danger and deadliness that the climate crisis is bringing.

My weekend was punctuated by calls with family over how to help an elderly aunt without AC who was at risk of a stroke in the heat. In Baltimore, where I was, the “real-feel” hit 115 degrees while in her Midwestern city she dealt with power surges and a medical system struggling to care for its residents.

With the direction we’re heading in, it’s clear we need to build an army of activists and volunteers that can demand our leaders support a Green New Deal. Can you donate to help 350.org put an end to the fossil fuel industry’s toxic influence?

We have bold plans to organize communities across the country for a Green New Deal, keep fossil fuels in the ground, and hold fossil fuel executives accountable for their climate deception. And we’ve shown we can and will win with a truly diverse grassroots movement.

The Green New Deal has changed the debate on climate and given hope to a new generation of climate activists. From deadly flooding in the midwest to dangerous heatwaves around the world, we can’t allow this to be our new normal. Simply put, we need a Green New Deal.

Can you donate to help us mobilize around the country for a Green New Deal?

We’re hiring new organizers in crucial areas around the country to educate, train, and build the climate movement we need. If we’re going to pass a Green New Deal, we know that thousands need to be part of this fight and no one can be left behind. With the help of supporters like you, we’ll focus on developing new leaders and finding new ways of organizing to create lasting change.

Please make a gift to help us grow our movement and organize for a Green New Deal.

With your help, we can make this a turning point for the country and the climate. I hope you’ll join me in supporting our work here at 350.org to demand a liveable climate and climate justice.

Thank you,

John Qua
Senior Organizer

1 - Massive heat wave blamed for at least 6 deaths, Justin Carissimo, CBS News, July 21, 2019.

350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts.  Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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