A blatantly racist election denier who has promoted the Big Lie is not fit for office in Minnesota.

Nationwide, election deniers and insurrectionists are running for Secretary of State, and the Republican candidate in Minnesota is a prime example. Kim Crockett is one of the ringleaders behind a right-wing effort to convert conspiracy theorists into “poll watchers,” and has a chilling antidemocratic to-do list for day one in office.

This is Kim Crockett’s plan for making it harder for Minnesotans to vote:

• CUT back early voting

• LIMIT same-day voter registration

• REMOVE voting options for people in the Greater Minnesota area

• THROW out ballots arriving after the election, even when sent by mail on or before election day

In November, we need to stop Crockett and make sure Minnesota Democratic Secretary of State Steve Simon is re-elected. Our democracy is on the line in this election. Can you chip in $5 to Simon’s campaign to protect free and fair elections in Minnesota?

We cannot risk having Crockett in elected office. Not only will she put democratic elections at risk, but she was suspended from her job for this vile statement on a Somali resettlement program she plans to challenge in court: "These people aren't coming from Norway, let's put it that way. These people are very visible."

Kim Crockett's vile statement on Somali resettlement program

A blatantly racist election denier who has promoted the Big Lie is not fit for office in Minnesota.

Please give whatever you can to defend our democracy.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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