Hi  John,

We have under 24 hours to hit our LAST end-of-month goal before Election Day on August 23rd! 

So I have to ask: Can you make a donation before tonight at midnight to show your support and ensure we bring the power back to the people in District 34?

Donate $5 ⟶
Donate $10 ⟶
Donate $20 ⟶

John, I am so proud of what we’ve built together; without taking a single penny from corporations or lobbyists, we have overcome the odds and organized a powerful coalition of community members and activists. 

But relying on grassroots donations means that every single deadline like this one is critical to ensuring our campaign can keep going. Will you help us meet one of our LAST fundraising goals and make sure we have the resources necessary to keep this campaign strong into the homestretch?

Help us finish strong ⟶

We are ready for change — a change from the Bronx machine, a change from status quo leadership, and a change from our elected officials neglecting the very real issues we face on a daily basis. 


With just four weeks until the primary, now is a pivotal moment: we can either keep electing politicians beholden to the establishment, or we can fight for the change we want to see in our community. 

Fight for Change ⟶

So let’s crush this fundraising deadline, and bring the power back to the people! 

Thank you so much for your continued support, 

Christian Amato
Democrat for New York State Senate · District 34

Can you support our grassroots campaign
Chip in today ⟶
Sign up to Volunteer ⟶
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