If you’ve seen the news lately, you know the Republican party is completely out of step with the American people. So what happens if they succeed in flipping the House this November? We have a party in power that doesn't care at all about the majority opinion or needs of the people.

The far-right GOP agenda is completely unhinged.

🚩 Nationwide abortion ban, stripping even more people of their constitutional rights

🚩 Taking revenge on members of the January 6 Select Committee… wherever that leads

🚩 Rolling back years of progress in voting accessibility, gun safety prevention, and more

That’s why we need Mary Gay. She delivers results and is determined to support Democrats who are equipped to represent the American people. Not like her opponent, who is buddied up to GOP Senate candidate, Dr. Sellout.

Our budgeting deadline is just 16 hours away and we still need $1,648 to hit our goal – donate now to keep Mary Gay in Congress and the GOP far away from leadership.


Team Scanlon



Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon is a life-long advocate for children and families. In November 2018, she was sworn into Congress following a special election victory - the first woman of the new wave of representation to be sworn in. 
Now, help keep her in office by donating to her reelection campaign.


Paid for by Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States

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