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Weekend Edition, July 30-31, 2022


If You Want To Fix the Economy, Separate Money From the State

Jordan Schachtel

When the Good Guys Get It Wrong

Bretigne Shaffer

Quick Hitter: UCLA and the War

Jon Rappoport

Texas Doctor Sues Hospital For Punishing Her Over Covid Jab Criticisms

Ethan Huff

Attorney Exposes the Weaponization of the Justice System To Serve the Political Agenda of the Left


How Much Did the FBI Spend to Entrap Citizens in the Whitmer Plot


How Our East-Germany-Like Widespread Shortages Can Be Fixed

Walter E. Block

‘Greenhouse Gas Effect Does Not Exist,’ a Swiss Physicist Challenges Global Warming Climate Orthodoxy

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Monkeypox and the Bubble Boy

L. Reichard White

Playing Chicken With the Fates

James Howard Kunstler

Too Secret? The Secret Service’s Long, Troubling History of Omerta

Russ Baker

Difficult Times Ahead — How to Break Free From the System

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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