Tomorrow marks 100 days until Election Day. 100 days until Utah defeats the far-right, stands up to extremism and defends American democracy.
But tomorrow also represents our first End-of-Month deadline since we officially became locked in a tight, two-way race with far-right Senator Mike Lee.
Can you help us kick these final 100 days off by chipping in toward our $150,000 End-of-Month goal? We’ll need your help from now until November to bring more independent leadership to Washington.
These next 100 days will determine which direction Utah, and America, heads over the next six years and beyond, friend.
Are we going to stand up to the political extremism that has been tearing our country apart for far too long?
Or will party bosses and special interest groups continue to promote their own self-interests at our expense?
Will we protect and defend our democratic republic? Or will the far-right, anti-democracy movement continue to destroy our founding ideals?
Those are the choices on the ballot in November. And it’s why I’m running to replace far-right Senator Mike Lee and the party bosses and extremist special interest groups he aims to represent.
If you’re with me, will you chip in toward our $150,000 End-of-Month goal before tomorrow at midnight? What we do over these next 100 days will decide the outcome of this race, and I could really use your help right now.
Evan McMullin
P.S. — We remain committed to not sending fundraising emails on Sundays. So this will be the last time you’ll hear from me before our critical End-of-Month fundraising deadline tomorrow night. Will you please chip in a grassroots donation to help us hit our $150,000 goal before it’s too late?