Liberals Campaigning Hard To Re-Elect President Trump

Kurt Schlichter

Don’t Believe The Hype

Derek Hunter

Jerry Seinfeld: Comedy’s Superman

Chris Stigall

Who Are the Real Russian Agents?

Paul Curry

The Lessons of the Versailles Treaty

Victor Davis Hanson

After Trump's 'Racist' Tweets, Dems Demand 'Civility,' But When Have They Practiced It?

Larry Elder

Fake News CNN Wants Americans To Hate Israel

Marina Medvin

Mueller Bumbles. Networks Grumble

Brent Bozell and Tim Graham

The Unsurprising Success of ‘Stranger Things’

Laura Hollis

Mnuchin-Pelosi Budget Deal Is a Sellout of Republican Principles

Brian Darling

When Debt Becomes a Life Sentence: The Rise of Terminal Debt

Armstrong Williams

It's Not Always About Racism; Often, It's About Resilience

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

The Founders and National Debt

Cal Thomas

Race Card Slowly Loses Its Sting Through Overuse As We Head Toward 2020

John Kass

Mueller Has a Reputation...

Ann Coulter

The Searing of the Conscience Over the Issue of Abortion

Jerry Newcombe

Questions To Ask Mueller

John and Andy Schlafly

How to Keep Medical Innovation Strong

Steven Tepp

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'
Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
The Economic Suicide Squad Wages Wage War
Christine Blasey Ford No Longer Deserves Benefit of Doubt
Socialism And The Welfare State In Nordic Nations
Rumor has it that once you start taking Lisinpril, you can never stop taking it. Is this true?
Wayne’s Embarrassing "Senior Moment"
Dealing with Addiction
Fox News Poll: Trump’s Job Approval Better Than June But Still Slightly Upside Down

Alex Nitzberg

Two Judges, With Two Very Different Opinions And Outcomes, Decide On Trump's Asylum Restrictions

Beth Baumann

Hot Take: Pressley Explains Why She Broke With 'The Squad' And Voted To Condemn BDS Movement

Beth Baumann

DOJ Refuses To Hold Barr, Ross In Contempt. Here's Why.

Beth Baumann

BREAKING: North Korea Launches 'Unidentified Projectile'

Beth Baumann

Trump Chimes In On The Russia Witch Hunt Following Mueller's Testimony

Beth Baumann

Michael Moore On Mueller Hearings: The Democrats Blew It

Matt Vespa

Venezuelan Children Fight Over Bananas Just To Avoid Starvation Thanks To Socialism

Timothy Meads

Kamala Harris Pushes Retracted Mueller Claim on Social Media, Then Deletes It

Victoria Marshall

Sen. Rand Paul: ‘The Proposed Budget Deal Violates Every Principle of Conservatism’

Alex Nitzberg

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
The New Trailer For The Harriet Tubman Movie Is Out, and It’s Guntastic | Cam Edwards
Grand Rapids, MI Looking To Crack Down On ‘Imitation Guns’ | Tom Knighton
Cory Booker Has His Own Mass Incarceration Problem | Cam Edwards
GOP Pushes For Bill To Prevent Some Veterans From Being Disarmed | Tom Knighton
Savage Arms’ New Owner, Expansion Plans Highlight Need For New Hunters | Cam Edwards
Op-Ed Illustrates Anti-Gun Focus Of American Media Using Japanese Fire | Tom Knighton
Democrat Attorneys General Across The U.S. Defend California’s Magazine Ban | Cam Edwards
Baylor University Funds Program Pushing Gun Control Agenda | Tom Knighton
Police Assaulted By Buckets Of Water, Frozen By Fear Of Anti-Cop Officials | Tom Knighton
If OR Legislature Doesn’t Pass Safe Storage Law, Expect Ballot Initiative | Tom Knighton