Last Week the Generic Congressional Ballot Has Republicans +10 

Help Caroline Win !


Over the last 50 years, we have witnessed the left take control of nearly every aspect of our culture. Schools, universities, healthcare, government, professional sports, media, big tech, even some churches.

Progressive leftists control many of these institutions. This is dangerous to our American way of life. Our country's future is hanging on a thread. 

You and I are seeing first hand consequences of the left’s control especially here in Massachusetts. But the good news is that people are waking up. Many have been pushed too far. 

The generic Congressional ballot phone survey taken just last week has Republicans with a 10 point lead. While this survey is generic, it speaks volumes. Click here to see the results.

I don't need the millions that Clark has in her campaign account to win. The political climate is on our side. I just need to raise enough to fund a strong advertising campaign to defeat Katherine Clark. Will you help me finish July strong? 

Thank You,


Paid for by Caroline Colarusso for Congress 

Help Recapture Congress