Let me tell you why this goal is so important.
All the election watchers expect our grassroots campaign to win this primary by securing one of the top two spots on the ballot for November. When that happens, we’re going to have to scale up QUICKLY.
My opponent is heavily funded by corporate PACs and other dark money groups. He recently dropped $80,000 on radio ads (the first time he’s done so this early in the election), and he’s clearly worried about our bold progressive challenge to his lackluster, 22-year record in Congress.
After Tuesday, it’ll just be me and Rick on the ballot. We need to be ready to counter his corporate warchest with a massive, truly grassroots movement.
Your contributions today will set us up for a STRONG start in the general election, where our campaign will also be working to turn out votes for downballot progressives running against radical right-wing candidates.
We only need 96 contributions of $22 to reach our goal. Can I count on your support?
Jason Call