From James Langnes, Campaign Manager <[email protected]>
Subject Fwd: Checking in
Date July 30, 2022 6:25 PM
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Hi John,

I hope you're doing well.

I wanted to make sure you saw Bryan’s message from the other day. The Democrats’ one party rule is hurting everyday Americans. We must take the House back in 2022 and reverse the Democrats' harmful policies.

We've had enough of the far left. Now it's time to fuel the Red Wave [[link removed]].



James Langnes

Campaign Manager

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Bryan Steil, Congressman

Subject: 100 days left!

Date: 29 July, 2022 at 3:02 PM

To: John xxxxxx [email protected]

Hi John,

Our End of Month Fundraising Deadline is this Sunday! We are close to hitting our fundraising goal for July. Can you chip in and help make the difference? [[link removed]]

Over the past 2 years, our country has been under the Democrats' one party rule in Washington. The results have been awful. High gas prices, rising costs, open borders, and a growing crime crisis.

We need to take back Congress and get our country back on track!

But, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are raising LARGE sums of money. They don’t want to relinquish control of their radical one party rule in Washington. We need to fight back.

Can you help us take back the House and elect conservatives across the country by donating HERE? [[link removed]]

We must stop the out of control spending, unleash the power of American energy, secure our border, and work with our law enforcement officers to keep our communities safe.

If you are able, please donate before our deadline on Sunday to help us gather the resources needed to elect conservatives here in Wisconsin and across the country.

Will you help us turn the tide and deliver a Red Wave [[link removed]] in 2022?

Thank you,


Bryan Steil


Donate Now [[link removed]] Forward [link removed]




1818 MILTON AVE. #1448


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