The National Popular Vote law would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states. That way, every vote counts. 

One state in particular, Colorado, has a ballot measure that voters must approve in 2020. Add your name today if you’d like to hear more information about our efforts to ensure Coloradans vote YES on National Popular Vote. 

Since Colorado’s legislature and Governor joined 15 states and D.C. in passing National Popular Vote legislation, extreme special interests have been trying to reverse those actions and have now forced the law onto the 2020 ballot. 

We have to fight back and make sure Coloradans vote YES on the National Popular Vote. Will you join our effort to spread the word to voters over the coming months?

You deserve to have your vote for president count. That’s what National Popular Vote would accomplish, but only if we fight for it with everything we have in states all across the country.

Don’t let a group of extreme special interests undo Colorado’s existing National Popular Vote law. Add your name to hear more about what you can do in the coming months to ensure Coloradans vote YES on National Popular Vote! 

National Popular Vote