World Day Against Trafficking In Persons

Each year, World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, observed on July 30, serves as a day to raise awareness and educate others about the thousands who are being trafficked and exploited.

This year's theme of “Use and Abuse of Technology" is also a powerful reminder of the continued threats that our children face. While the internet has been a positive catalyst for innovation, never before has it been easier for traffickers to contact youth. ECPAT-USA has multiple resources to help you prevent online exploitation:

  • Guides to Internet Safety for youth, educators, and parents and guardians contain everything you need to know about how to keep your family safe. Access them for free now.

  • The Social Identity Quest is designed to challenge teens to make choices and build skills to reduce risks they may encounter on the internet. Access the program for free, including conversation guides with parents/guardians and educators, online now.

We are also excited to announce several new initiatives that launched this week in honor of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. 


Developed by Marriott International with support from the American Hotel and Lodging Association Foundation, our new hotel e-learning builds upon the foundation of our existing training based on hotel-level feedback that incorporates additional content to help associates turn awareness into action.

Working with the private sector is a crucial part of our mission to end trafficking. Several companies, including IHG and CWT, announced new partnerships this week to protect children and support survivors, and we are grateful for their support and the support of every company that has made child protection a priority.

We encourage everyone to take action to prevent exploitation today. Raise awareness on social media (don’t forget to tag @ECPATUSA so we can share your message!) or make a meaningful contribution to our child protection programs. Together, we can create a world in which no child is bought, sold, or used for sex.


ECPAT-USA is the leading policy organization in the United States seeking to end the commercial, sexual exploitation of children through awareness, advocacy, policy, and legislation. Join us.
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