Green Party Email
Dear John,
Tomorrow we go to the ballot box. This is our last chance to lead on delivering the message that this election is the Climate Election. Will you help?
6,000 people have contributed more than £350,000 to our campaign. Our movement has never been this strong. We are at the last hurdle and we cannot stop now.
Will you give today?
Never before has the Green Party had such media coverage. Never before has there been a Leaders' Climate Debate. Never before have more people said that climate change is the most important issue of the Election. Together, we are making progress.
We can push even harder for a fairer and Greener Britain by making our Green New Deal a reality, but we need your help.
When Greens give, Greens win.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Mary Clegg
CEO, Green Party of England and Wales
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Promoted by Chris Rose on behalf of the Green Party, The Biscuit Factory
Unit 215 J Block
100 Clements Road
SE16 4DG
United Kingdom
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