From Nancy DiNardo <[email protected]>
Subject I’m reaching out to you because this is so important
Date July 30, 2022 3:33 PM
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Tomorrow is the last major fundraising deadline ahead of the August 9th primary Election Day.

At a time when our democracy is facing one attack after another from GOP lawmakers, we have to work together to ensure every voter can access the polls — this is why meeting our end-of-month goal is so crucial.

When you make a donation to Connecticut Democrats, you’re helping to ensure our voter outreach program is fully funded for these critical final weeks before Election Day. Any amount that you give will help us get there: [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

DONATE $10 Now [[link removed]]

DONATE $25 Now [[link removed]]

DONATE $100 Now [[link removed]]

DONATE $200 Now [[link removed]]

DONATE Other Amount [[link removed]]

The right to an abortion, ending gun violence, protecting our democracy, and so much more is on the line. By turning out a record number of Democrats in the primary, we’ll make it clear to the GOP that their oppressive agenda is not welcome here in Connecticut.

While Republicans are working to suppress the voices and votes of marginalized communities, CT Dems is working to reach record-high levels of primary day voter turnout!

Voting is the cornerstone of our Democracy, and Connecticut Democrats will not stop fighting until this is a guaranteed right for all — donate today to help us close the gap in our fundraising goal and support our voter outreach program. [[link removed]]

Thank you for supporting our work,

Nancy DiNardo
CT Democratic Party
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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