Dear Friend,
According to the latest polls, next year’s election is on a
knife edge.
But Labour has a plan to win.
At today’s Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update, Grant Robertson
just announced the Government will run up borrowing with a $900
million deficit as part of an election-year spend-up.
In short, the
Government's plan is to tax you more, spend more, and borrow more,
leaving you with the debt.
Grant Robertson already has a record-high tax take. There is no
excuse for pushing taxpayers deeper into debt.
you fight back against Labour’s bribes with an election fund for
Meanwhile, National believes it can win by focusing its campaign on
law and order.
That means there is a serious risk that taxpayer concerns will be
lost amidst the election year tug-of-war. That would be a
This is why a strong Taxpayers’ Union is needed to push Lower
Taxes, Less Waste, More Transparency into the centre of the
election year debate.
asking for your financial support as we set the budget for

Last election, we plastered the cost of each party’s election
bribes across national newspapers.
And we were the ones who called out Metiria Turei’s benefit
fraud by leading the calls for her to pay the money back.
Signing up to a
modest monthly donation allows us to plan ahead and expose those
politicians who waste your
money for the sake of their election

Thank you for your support.
ps Below is an example of the ‘Bribe-O-Meter’ ads we ran during
last year’s election. Allow us to continue these types of initiatives
by donating
to our election year fund here.

This work is possible only with your support. Click
here to make a confidential donation.