Dear Supporter,

Today, Mike went to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid because Trump didn’t. Mike shared the latest progress report from America’s Pledge, the group he founded with former California Governor Jerry Brown when Trump decided to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on climate change. America’s Pledge highlights the progress of cities, states, businesses, and other groups who are committed to upholding America’s commitment to the world.

Announcing the third America's Pledge report, Mike draws in the crowd at COP25.
In Madrid, Mike is continuing his work as one of the world’s leading environmentalists – and continuing to lead when President Trump won’t.

Trump refused to support the Paris Agreement, so Mike built a coalition of leaders committed to it. They now number nearly 4,000 strong.

Trump refused to pay America’s bill to help fund the UN’s work on climate change, so Mike did. Year after year.

Trump refused to build a team to measure and manage America’s climate progress, so Mike hired the experts from the Obama administration who were already working on it. Their critically important work tracks how local efforts are making a difference reducing carbon emissions – even as the Trump administration tries to drag us backward.

As president, Mike will make climate change one of his top priorities – starting with rejoining the Paris Agreement and increasing the U.S.'s ambition.

  • Hold immediate talks with world leaders from the top 20 emitting countries to achieve the 2030 emissions cuts that science tells us we need.
  • Hold governments accountable and penalize corporations responsible for destructive practices like deforestation worldwide.
  • Create an entry point for people permanently displaced by climate change to apply for refugee status in the United States.
  • Use trade and security agreements to encourage countries to develop and strengthen their plans to reduce emissions under the Paris Agreement.
  • Ensure the safety of the world’s most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Learn more about Mike’s record on climate and policy highlights here, and stay tuned for details on his domestic climate agenda in the coming weeks.

Team Bloomberg 2020
Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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