Don’t lump Boris Johnson together with Donald Trump. The limits of law for Facebook’s legitimacy. Donald Trump, the profligate president.
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July 25, 2019
Government Spending ([link removed] )
Donald Trump, the Profligate President ([link removed] )
Neither the president nor his party has displayed any interest in reining in spending.
- “Donald Trump, the Profligate President ([link removed] ) ,” by Michael D. Tanner
UK Flag behind a podium ([link removed] )
Don’t Lump Boris Johnson Together with Donald Trump ([link removed] )
Johnson’s policy record and disposition is much closer to David Cameron-style social liberalism than to Trump or May.
- “Don’t Lump Boris Johnson Together with Donald Trump ([link removed] ) ,” by Ryan Bourne
How a 40-Year-Old Federal Law Is Speeding Gentrification ([link removed] )
Evidence is building that loans meant for poor residents are actually going to the affluent buyers pushing them out.
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The Terrifying Rise of Authoritarian Populism ([link removed] )
Envy and resentment are driving collectivist impulses around the world.
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The Limits of Law for Facebook’s Legitimacy ([link removed] )
Facebook expects to set up its Oversight Board for content moderation by the end of the year. What kind of individuals should be selected?
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