July 29, 2022
Democrats in Denial on Recession

Yesterday it was announced that the economy shrunk for the second consecutive quarterofficially defining the economic pain American families are feeling as a recession.

The White House worked overtime trying to change the definition of the word recession and gaslight the American people into believing our economy is not doing as poorly as we all know it to be. But we will not be fooled.

This recession is a direct consequence of President Biden's wasteful social spending policies and anti-energy agenda.

Unfortunately, instead of turning back from the harmful policies that put us in this mess in the first place, Washington Democrats have announced that they are doubling down on their agenda to resurrect Build Back Better - a plan that raises taxes, sends hard-earned taxpayer dollars to green interest groups, and throws even more money at social spending programs.

Democrats claim they are for the poor and working class, but It’s clear the Democrat way is hurting these groups the most. We can lower costs and put an end to crippling price hikes by unleashing American energy producers, return to the Trump-era economic policies that spurred record growth, and put an end to the Democrat party’s tax-and-spend policies once and for all.

I spoke at the America First Policy Institute's America FIRST Agenda Summit with Governor Rick Perry, Senator Rick Scott, and Congressman Richard Hudson about the importance of unleashing American energy dominance.

Voting to Protect the Second Amendment

House Democrats rushed an assault weapon ban bill to the Floor for a vote today. 

I voted NO because I am against the erosion of the Constitutional Rights of law-abiding Americans. 

In the long history of mankind freedom and liberty are not lost overnight – it comes by way of the slow and gradual burn. We’ve seen an assault on the 1st Amendment through the legacy media and social media giants censoring the thoughts and opinions of individuals on the right, while propping up their favorite candidates and covering up stories that could be detrimental to their public personas. 

Policies are then implemented that are anti-religious freedom, anti-due process, anti-free assembly and today anti-the right to keep and bear arms. These rights shall not be infringed. 

Instead of making families and communities safer, this backward gun-grabbing attempt does nothing to harden school security, address our nation’s mental health crisis, or reverse the deprecation of our morals and values. 
Educating Members on the Importance of Fossil Fuels with Alex Epstein

This week, I hosted a roundtable with Fossil Future author Alex Epstein to talk about the critical role of fossil fuels in our global economy, and the benefits of the energy resources we can trust. Instead of pandering to green interest groups, President Biden should unleash the resources we know are clean and reliable.

We cannot allow America to follow in the footsteps of Europe and jeopardize affordable & reliable energy for families. The solution to the energy crisis is unleashing the power of our Permian Basin producers.
Fact-Checking the White House

This week, the White House put out another misleading graphic. I took the liberty of fixing it below.

I've done the math. Average drivers are still spending $109.30 & $218.60 MORE per month than they were before Biden took office.

For American families, these EXTRA COSTS matter.
Intern Lecture Series

I had the wonderful opportunity to speak about leadership at the Congressional Intern Lecture Series this week.

In my 25 years of studying leadership in the Air Force and in Congress I believe there are three aspects that set true leaders apart. Good leaders are thoughtful yet decisive, they are highly adaptable to their people, and they appreciate the value of critical feedback.

Strong leaders are few and far between. I am grateful to have learned from many mentors, and I appreciated the opportunity to share some of the lessons I have learned today.

My four wonderful interns, Niko Nemanic, Cassady Craddock, Susan Yeung, and Lauren Boyt kicked off our session. These talented students answer phone calls, work on legislative research, and help keep our offices up and running.

They are bright and ambitious and have wonderful careers ahead of them. They come to work every single day dedicated to the people of Texas-11. I am proud to have them as part of our office and proud of the work they are doing on behalf of our district!
Protecting the Permian Basin in the Houston Chronicle

Yesterday I ran an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle on President Biden's attacks on fossil fuels. Read an excerpt below, or the full article here.

"It is not often that President Biden follows through on his promises. However, there is one he is determined to deliver on: his campaign pledge to “end fossil fuels” and his continuing down this path despite the high energy prices that are driving up costs on everything from gas to groceries, wreaking havoc on the budgets of all Americans. Biden is dead serious about his attack on fossil fuels. Most recently, the Biden administration, through the Environmental Protection Agency, is pursuing sleight-of-hand policies that will further aggravate the global market and jeopardize industry access to the Permian Basin, a key supply of oil and natural gas.

I am fortunate to represent the Permian Basin, the largest secure supply of crude oil in the world and a critical tool for American national security. The region delivers more than 40 percent of the oil and 16 percent of the natural gas produced in the U.S. If the federal government slows down production in the Permian Basin, Americans will be deprived of the energy our economy and our allies desperately need.

Regrettably, his administration is continuing its attempts to cripple the region by announcing that the EPA may redesignate parts of the Permian as “nonattainment” zones in violation of 2015 ozone standards, meaning the state must work to lower pollution in the region. This nonattainment designation could significantly slow down production in the Permian — impeding one of the most productive shale plays in North America — and completely devastate local economies in the process."
Upcoming Town Halls

Next week, I am hosting multiple Town Halls in the district. Check out the below invitations and join us to discuss your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

Colorado City Town Hall
Monday, August 1st, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Copper Press: 401 Oak Street, Colorado City, TX 79512

Stanton Town Hall
Monday, August 1st, 2022
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Martin County Senior Citizens Center: 104 East Broadway Street, Stanton TX 79782

Lamesa Town Hall
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Forrest Park Community Center: S 9th & Houston, Lamesa TX, 79331

Andrews Town Hall
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Andrews Senior Activity Center: 310 W. Broadway Street, Andrews, TX, 79714

Odessa Town Hall
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Academic Classroom Building
801 W. 4th Street, Odessa, TX, 79763
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress