

I am writing this letter today grateful for U.S. Supreme Court victories, our approaching 10th year anniversary, the continued progress in the field, and especially YOU!  

In 2022 and the past 10 years, Texas Values has worked to keep Texas a state where God is honored so that religious freedom flourishes, families prosper, and every human life is valued. 

Texas has longstanding prohibitions on abortions, and now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, it is more clear than ever before that life is a human right. Texas Values supports life beginning at conception, and will continue working to protect human life in the womb.

The Texas Supreme Court (with our support) recently stopped abortion clinics with their latest legal attempt to kill pre-born babies. No matter how hard abortionists try to perpetuate murder, we know that life is a human right and is valued by Texans like you!

We cannot allow unborn babies to be aborted under the cover of an unlawful and political decision by a trial court. I’m grateful Attorney General Paxton is standing up for the law and defending the unborn. 

So we say to all pregnant women in Texas: You are not alone. There are many resources to help you and your baby with your medical, emotional, and practical needs that are so needed. Information available at 

In a U.S. Supreme Court victory column … 

Coach Joe Kennedy, a 53-year-old high school football coach was fired for praying by himself at the 50-yard line after football games. A U.S. Marine, Coach Kennedy fought back all the way to the Supreme Court, where he WON HIS CASE in a 6-3 decision last month, supported by our powerful legal amicus brief, which he called “great news for the entire nation.”

And, we believe that it is especially great news for Texas, as we continue to fight for these rights and fund these efforts with your continued support! 

“Hopefully, everybody’s religious rights will now be respected. I don’t think anyone — regardless of their religion — should fear praying in public. The First Amendment doesn’t only apply to some Americans. It applies to all of us.”– Coach Kennedy on winning his Supreme Court case

In case you missed it: last month at the Republican Party of Texas our policy team assisted and advised numerous delegates and provided testimony that helped result in the following Legislative Priorities for the 2023 Texas Legislative Session: A Ban on Gender Modification on Children, Pro-Life Protection, and Parental Rights Protection  

Big Announcement: Our 2022 Texas Faith, Family and Freedom Forum will be held on September 23-24 at Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, Texas!!

Left to Right: Pastor Jorge Tovar; Bryan English, Director of Church Ambassador Network; Jonathan M. Saenz, President; Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Govenor;  Mary Elizabeth Castle, Senior Policy Advisor; Jonathan Covey, Director of Policy; Alex Woodby, Development Associate. 

The team is looking forward to seeing you at the Forum!

And, coming off of those great victories and announcements, we are encouraged to start a new fiscal year and officially celebrate our 10th anniversary year in August! With your continued support, we can continue to work for YOU and preserve the values that make Texas such a great place to work, live and raise our families. 

Lastly, we need your help in August to prayerfully and financially support our work at the State Board of Education (SBOE) meetings. We are working hard to defend the continued teaching of Judeo-Christian values in our public school’s History & Social Studies courses, and to stop the push for Critical Race Theory.

And, as we always say (and truly believe), it is only made possible because of your generosity, and tax-deductible gift. And please help us to have another incredible year for faith, family, and freedom. May you and your family be blessed as we close out summer and lead into an incredible Fall.



1005 Congress Ave. Suite 830 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2022 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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