America is in a recession. The latest GDP numbers show that our economy shrunk for the second quarter in a row. That’s the definition of a recession.
My Republican colleagues and I warned this was coming for a long time.
So what’s Biden’s solution to his man-made economic disaster?
Tying himself in knots to change the definition of recession…
The Biden administration, along with the liberal media, have been trying their best to spin the latest economic numbers with smoke and mirrors. Some are even flat-out denying that we are in a recession.
Worse, Joe Biden and the Democrats think we should be spending even more money. Senator Joe Manchin agreed to a bloated tax-and-spend scheme that doles out taxpayer funds for “climate justice” (whatever that is) and hands the IRS money to go after people and businesses.
Hard-working families across the country are suffering under Democratic policies. From the loss of wages due to 40-year-high inflation to adjusting budgets to afford the basics, Biden’s lousy leadership put us here.
Only strong conservative leadership can pull us out of it.