John, did you see Paco's message? Bernie ally Andy Levin's primary is on Tuesday, and corporate Democrats are spending big money to take him down. They would rather have an obedient corporate Dem than a Medicare for All champion like Andy, so corporate PACs are flooding the air with lies about his record. Rush a donation here to help us fight back and defeat Andy's corporate Dem opponent on Tuesday!----Begin Forwarded Message---
“Sanders: If US Can Spend $76B on Computer Chips, It Can Pass Medicare for All”
Team, People in other countries are often shocked to learn that here in America, we can go bankrupt because of health care bills. A government that represents voters would have passed Medicare for All years ago. Instead, we have a government that serves special interests that spend millions lobbying and get billions in corporate welfare in return. We also have corporate Dems and Super PACS targeting Medicare for All champion Rep. Andy Levin in Michigan. They want to replace him with someone who will be obedient to donors and make their corrupt policy preferences easier to achieve in Congress. Election Day is Tuesday, and we’re going all-in to make sure Andy Levin beats his corporate Dem opponent. Can we count on you to join the fight before our end of month deadline?
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Our Revolution will process immediately.
In solidarity, Our Revolution
