After seeing the Throne Speech, it’s clear we have a lot of work ahead of us. //


I went into the throne speech with one priority – making sure Canadians get the solutions they need. But what I heard was more pretty words and no commitment to real action.

The Liberals mentioned pharmacare, but wouldn’t commit to a timeline – or that it will be universal, comprehensive, or public.

They mentioned housing, but only committed to keep doing what they’ve been doing – investing even less money than Stephen Harper did.

And they mentioned reconciliation, but they refuse to stop dragging Indigenous kids to court.

John, there isn’t enough in this throne speech to help Canadians. And that means it will be up to us to stand strong and demand better for families. To do that, we need to be in the strongest possible position as we head into 2020. Will you chip in $3 to help us get there?

Chip in!

John, during the campaign I talked to millions of Canadians who are struggling. But instead of showing a commitment to helping them, the Liberals have ignored the message Canadians sent this election – that they want more from their leaders than pretty words.

After seeing this throne speech, it’s clear that we need to talk – because if the Liberals want our support, they’re going to have to work for it.

John, New Democrats will continue to push Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to do what’s right for people. But it’s clear we have our work cut out for us. Our team is strong – but we’re going to need to keep these issues top of mind across the country and show the other parties that we’re strong on this and won’t back down.

We need your help to do it, John. Hitting our end-of-year fundraising target will ensure we have the resources to fight as hard as possible for what people need – and be an important show of our strength as a movement. Will you chip in $3 to help?


Thank you, John,


Jagmeet Singh
Canada’s NDP

What's the deal with the tax credit?

Donations to the NDP are eligible for a generous tax credit which means you get to help us fight for what people need and get a nice big return at tax time – it's win-win!

You get 75% of the first $400 you give. So at the end of the day, you spend $100 – but our team can invest $400 to build on our campaign momentum, stand up for everyday Canadians, and start 2020 strong and ready for anything.

Donate before December 31 and get the max out of your tax return.


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
