John, Charlie Kirk and far-right fascist “activists” held a youth summit, where they proudly flew Nazi flags and touted their ridiculous conspiracy theories to young people.
They think that their hateful rhetoric is going to inspire the next generation of voters, but they’re SO wrong.
Michella Obama once said, “when they go low, we go high.” So I am *so excited* to announce the FIRST ever Voters of Tomorrow pro-democracy Youth Summit!

On August 12th, youth activists, and pro-democracy leaders from across the country will come together in Philly and let the far-right know that they’re seriously outnumbered.
Our speakers include Pennsylvania’s Malcolm Kenyatta, youth activists Olivia Julianna and Paxton Smith, and many more surprise guests to be announced!
We’re determined to make this summit as inclusive as possible and a lot of young people wouldn’t be able to afford the travel costs, so we’re covering those for as many as possible.
Honestly, this is the biggest thing that Voters of Tomorrow has EVER put on. And since we’re only grassroots-funded, we need your support to cover the costs.
I know we can’t put a price on democracy, but we need to raise $5,000 today to ensure our first youth summit gains national attention. Can you chip in $25 and become an official co-sponsor of VOT’s FIRST ever Youth Summit? >>
Get pumped folks!
Santiago Mayer
Founder and Executive Director, Voters of Tomorrow
Voters of Tomorrow 10960 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90024 United States