Sackett v. EPA: Regulatory agencies gone rogue


From COVID-19 to climate change, we’re often told that today’s problems are too complex for the American people to understand, let alone address. We’re told to trust experts at places like the EPA, CDC, and even the Census Bureau, because they know best.

However, cautions Paige Gilliard, these experts are not the solution. They are the problem.

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The Hill: Entrepreneurs in the construction industry deserve opportunity, not racial quotas


Entrepreneurs continue to play a key role in building America today, including general contractors who compete for government deals to build schools, highways, and other public works.

But government policies require general contractors to devote a percentage of their subcontracts to companies owned by racial minorities. These quotas create an unconstitutional barrier to opportunity, Wen Fa writes.

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Monty Python and the quest to uphold an individual’s right to privacy


Exciting news!

PLF has acquired a lost alternate version of one of the last scenes in the cult classic film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

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A Wisconsin ballet and a legal pirouette on the limits of government power


The COVID-19 pandemic saw state and local governments delegate extraordinary powers to unelected public health officials whose overreach was so brazen, it snared a socially distanced ballet in Wisconsin.

Ethan Yang describes the Nutcracker nightmare and the legal reckoning on the horizon.

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