Ilhan for Congress

This month, most of our campaign’s online donors have chipped in $10.

Here’s why that’s so important, team.

$10 isn’t the kind of number you see often in your fundraising reports if you accept corporate PAC money. If a corporate-backed candidate is falling behind, they can just make a phone call to a mega-donor. But Ilhan simply doesn’t have that option — and she doesn’t want it either.

Ilhan is not a typical politician — she’s a refugee and a first-generation college student who knows what it’s like to go hungry, live paycheck to paycheck, and struggle with student loan debt. She’s in Congress to disrupt the status quo that unnecessarily holds working people back in the richest country in the world — not do the bidding of corporations who will only exacerbate the economic inequality she’s personally experienced.

Ilhan is proud to reject the support of corporate PACs and run a campaign powered by grassroots donations of $10 — or $5, $25, or whatever you can spare from your Venmo balance! — at a time. When thousands of people ready to build a brighter future come together, amazing things happen. We saw that back in 2020 when our movement powered Ilhan to victory despite facing millions of dollars in outside spending, and it can happen again if we unite to help Ilhan win her primary against her conservative opponent.

So, will you chip in $10 or anything you can spare before our end-of-month fundraising deadline expires in just two days? We’ll put your donation right to work reaching voters with our people-first message.


Thank you,

Team Ilhan