
We just wrapped up our Giving Tuesday $10K for $10K challenge.  SPOILER ALERT: we met the challenge! 

Two things you didn't know...

1. Just two weeks into the holidays, we have fundraised 10x times more than we did in the entire month of December last year.

2. This past year, 97% of students reported a reduction in both the frequency and intensity of bullying after No Bully Solution Team®​ completion.

Sounds incredible, we know; however, our students experience this kind of tangible and lasting transformation every day.

Here is what some of our students wrote in their Solution Team® logs after just one meeting:

"[Before, they told] me to go away when they are practicing dance. They even told other people [to] get away from me. It makes me sad when she does those things to me… I felt embarrassed. [Now] I feel a lot better. They said sorry to me and when they did that I felt good.- Rhode Island

[Before] I ha[d] been feeling left out and not included. Yesterday a peer wasn’t so nice to me and the Solution Team stood up for me. The group that was being unkind are now being kind.- California

You might be thinking, you've already surpassed last year's fundraising, why do you need my support?

Here's why:

We cannot afford to lose this momentum! This month alone 1 in 3 students reported being bullied by a peer (UNESCO, 2019). That's 18.8 million students who are counting on us.

While No Bully always strives to increase accessibility to our program, it is nearly impossible to keep up with growing needs, especially in underserved communities. We rely on the generosity of supporters like you to continue bringing our leading evidence-based* program to school communities. 

Can you take a stand against bullying and chip in $10 to ensure we keep up this pace? Everyone deserves a bully-free childhood.


Team No Bully

*No Bully Solution Team: Outcomes Evaluation 2012-2017. (DeNike, 2017). View here.

No Bully
1012 Torney Avenue  | San Francisco, California 94129
(415) 767-0070 | [email protected]

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