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** Your daily media briefing - Thursday 25 July
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Archbishop tried to discredit BBC film on church links to abuse <[link removed]>
The most senior Catholic leader in England and Wales went to extraordinary lengths to try to discredit a BBC documentary on child sexual abuse and its cover-up by the church.
The Guardian
* Brighton and Hove mayor replaces council prayers with poems read by children <[link removed]>
The mayor of Brighton and Hove is to drop the tradition of prayers being said before council meetings, replacing them with poems read by children.
Brighton & Hove News
* Gavin Williamson announced as education secretary and takes over LGBT-inclusive education row <[link removed]>
The former defence secretary and chief whip Gavin Williamson has been announced as education secretary in Boris Johnson's new cabinet. He is expected to take on Damian Hinds's role in managing the ongoing debate surrounding LGBT-inclusive education in schools.
Pink News
* State faith school criticised for encouraging parents to ‘withdraw’ pupils from sex education lessons <[link removed]>
A Jewish state school has encouraged parents to 'withdraw' their daughters from relationship and sex education so it can nurture "good religious girls".
* Revealed: Charedi anti-LGBT activist Jeremy Corbyn met is biggest donor to anti-LGBT Birmingham protesters <[link removed]>
Shraga Stern, the anti-LGBT education activist Jeremy Corbyn met last week, is the biggest donor to a campaign to overturn an injunction preventing protests outside the gates of a Birmingham primary school against inclusive education.
The JC
* Local RE body to encourage parents not to withdraw children from visits to mosques and synagogues <[link removed]>
Experts in religious education and councillors are set to try and combat the reluctance of some parents in Swindon in Wiltshire to allow their children to visit other places of worship.
This is Wiltshire
* Ofsted chief warns over Steiner schools as she reveals that three quarters failed inspection <[link removed]>
The head of Ofsted has issued a warning over Steiner schools, which base their curriculum on a 'spiritual' philosophy, after more than three quarters failed inspections.
The Telegraph
* Northern Ireland medical staff to receive new guidance on abortion <[link removed]>
New abortion guidance will be issued to medical staff if terminations are made legal later this year.
The Irish News
* China steps up defence of Xinjiang policies in government report <[link removed]>
China issued a defence of its policies in the Xinjiang region where its detention of ethnic Uighurs has drawn criticism from the U.S. and other western nations.
* ‘In God We Trust’ going up at South Dakota public schools
A new law in the US state of South Dakota requires all public schools to paint, stencil or otherwise prominently display the motto 'In God We Trust'.
The Washington Post
* ‘The Christian right’s efforts to transform society in the US and Canada’ <[link removed]>
André Gagné says the Christian right's efforts to impose its agenda in the US may soon have parallels in Canada.
The Conversation
** Latest from the NSS
* Charity law shouldn't support infant genital cutting <[link removed]>
The existence of religious charities that support and facilitate infant circumcision demonstrates the urgent need to reform charity law, argues Megan Manson.
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