Breaking down barriers with backpacks

NVFS' Back2School Brigade Needs YOU!

Dear John,

August is few days away and a new school year is right around the corner. For some families still reeling from the effects of the pandemic, school supplies are a luxury. That means there is still a chance for you to help a student in our community prepare for the upcoming school year.

We just wrapped up our big collection days. After counting everything, we're still short of our goal (If your super power is procrastination, this is your moment to shine).

Can you chip in right now to give a student, like Zac, the confidence boost they need to begin the school year right?

Zac is an energetic tween about to enter middle school. He's super focused on improving his mile time. He really wants to earn the Presidential Physical Fitness award this year.

Zac doesn't know it, but his mother signed him up for a backpack this year. Everything is more expensive now. Gas. Food. All the basics. She's been worried this whole summer. I don't want to let them down.

I know you're one of the givers. A person who gives compassionately when someone is in need. Someone who gives regardless of whether they are called a hero.

Whether a student is walking their school's hallways for the first time or the tenth, you can equip a student with all the tools they need to start the school year strong and confidently chase their dreams.


With gratitude,

Sarah Crosley

Sarah Crosley
Director of Events and Stewardship
NVFS Back2School Brigade

10455 White Granite Dr., Suite 100, Oakton, VA 22124