When I wrote to you on Wednesday about the victory you and I just won when Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her gun-grabbing allies in the U.S. House decided
not to bring up H.R. 1808 – the “Assault Weapon” ban bill, I also warned it could be a short-lived victory and to be vigilant.
And it is proving to be even shorter than anyone could have imagined.
Just yesterday, a day after the announcement of no vote forthcoming, Pelosi is playing fast and
loose to get a floor vote in the House TODAY outside of the normal rules.
Pelosi is
trying to bully a vote in right as the House goes away for August and representatives are rushing to leave Washington, D.C.
The Democrats, with their very slim majority in the House, can’t afford to lose votes, and Republicans can’t
afford to give up any.
Now is the time to spring back
into action.
Call your U.S.
Representative now at 202-224-3121 and demand they denounce Nancy Pelosi’s tactics and demand they vote against H.R. 1808 and any gun-grabbing
It’s also possible the bill language for this “assault
weapon” ban will be put into another bill either directly or as an amendment.
isn’t much time before the vote and then the rats start running from the D.C. Swamp.
We are monitoring the situation and the funny business, but in the meantime, call your U.S. Representative
now at 202-224-3121 and demand they denounce Nancy Pelosi’s tactics and demand they vote against H.R. 1808.
For liberty,
John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty
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