Illinois e-News Release

July 28, 2022

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IDPH Offering Free Supplies of COVID-19 Antigen Tests to Illinois Long Term Care Facilities

CHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced it is offering free, one-time bulk shipments of rapid COVID-19 antigen tests to all interested and eligible Long Term Care facilities in Illinois. The deadline to apply is August 9.

The tests will be provided at no charge to eligible facilities in the state. To be eligible for the one-time bulk shipment, facilities must mee the following criteria:

• A federal waiver that allows for the administration of antigen testing.
• A provider order for antigen testing that has been approved and signed by a medical professional.
• Be registered to report all positive antigen test results to the State of Illinois.

The shipments are coming in response to the increased community transmission of COVID-19 across many Illinois counties and are intended to supplement the existing testing program that these facilities are required to conduct. IDPH has acquired 250,000 tests that will be distributed through this offer.

These tests may only be administered on-site for diagnostic and screening purposes. The tests cannot be provided for take home or at home use. Eligible uses include on-site testing of staff, patients, and residents of the facility.

Eligible Long Term Care facilities can apply for free supplies of tests at this LINK.

For more information and COVID-19 data for the State of Illinois, go to:


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