December 10, 2019
Listen to Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the troubling contents of the IG Report which details the abuses in the Spygate scandal. |
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Liberal Students Support Medicare For All – Until They Find Out What’s In It
Nancy Pelosi famously remarked following the passage of ObamaCare that “we had to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it.” Had we known before what was in it, is there any doubt that it wouldn’t have been passed? Even Pelosi must be aware of that.
Former DOJ Official: Durham Objections to IG Report Findings Means "He's Got the Goods on Somebody"
Former Department of Justice official, Ian Prior told Fox and Friends this morning that U.S. Attorney John Durham's disagreement with Inspector General Michael Horowitz's findings in the FISA report is an indication that his investigation may result in indictments.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991