As this government distracts itself with internal politics, the climate emergency gathers pace
Globe in background with text - Earth Overshoot Day



Have you heard of Earth Overshoot Day?


It's the day marking the point at which humanity has used up all the resources that Earth can regenerate in a year. That day was yesterday. From today through to the end of the year, the whole globe is overshooting its resources, and if the entire planet lived like we do in the UK, we would have already hit this day on May 19th.


It’s no coincidence that this month has seen a national emergency declared over the heatwave, temperatures hitting their highest on record, and wildfires across large parts of the country.


The Tories remain utterly indifferent, with the climate crisis barely registering in the current leadership battle, and Labour prioritising economic 'growth, growth, growth'.

Global Footprint Network

The government should be working to push back Earth overshoot day further every year. Instead, we're seeing resources being used faster and faster.


Governments have been propping up fossil fuel industries for decades, with tens of millions spent in fossil fuel subsidies since 2015 alone and Sunak doubling tax relief for firms funding North Sea projects.


We are the only party committed to ending fossil fuel reliance, investing in Green energy and living within our means. But we need your help.

Join the Green Party today to fight for climate action, social justice and be part of the only party putting the environment front and centre.


The Green movement is needed now more than ever, hundreds of people have joined us over the last few days, are you with us?


In solidarity,

The Green Party