Hi everyone,
We're going to hang out - in person! We're planning to meet next Thursday (8/4) at The Chalet, Mass MoCA in North Adams. Free entry, open 6-10PM; find us at a picnic table in the courtyard starting around 7.30p. Let us know if you're looking for a ride from South county and beyond!
Also, we’re meeting as a chapter on Tuesday (8/2) at 7PM to discuss three important things (see Zoom dial in info. below):
We voted to endorse The Fair Share Amendment, earlier this year. We’re planning to do some tabling at the North Adams Downtown Celebration on August 10. Come join us! And let’s discuss other ways we can support this campaign.
We also want to continue to gather testimony from community members experiencing housing insecurity, bolstered by a lack of rent control in the state, among other things. An extension has been made for us to gather more testimony as this issue won’t be brought to the state legislature until 2023.
Former chapter communications officer, Michael Lavery, is running for state representative in Berkshires District 3, and he'll be sharing his platform and answering questions as he seeks our chapter's endorsement.
If you have more items for our agenda, let us know. Also, our chapter is looking for a few leaders to step forward to help guide our chapter in the coming months. If that sounds like you, or if you have questions, just reach out!
In solidarity,
Amillie Coster, Chair Berkshires DSA and former Co-Chairs Abby Childs and Sid Rothstein
General Meeting, 8/2/22, 7PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 7242 2650
Passcode: 796217
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