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Before our fundraising deadline this Sunday, I want to give you a quick update on the state of our race for Congress:
  1. Polls show we’re neck-and-neck with our GOP opponent, and election analysts like Decision Desk HQ rate our race a “Toss-Up” but say our opponent has the advantage – that means we have some ground to make up if we want to pull ahead.

  2. As of July 31st, we’ll officially be 100 days away from Election Day. That means we’re running out of time to connect with voters and pull ahead in this race.
That’s why I’m writing today. We’ve set a goal of 5,000 grassroots contributions for July. Will you help us gear up for the final 100 days by pitching in $10 or any amount before midnight on July 31st?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Now that activist justices on the Supreme Court have taken away our hard-earned right to choose and Congressional Republicans have shown their true colors by voting overwhelmingly against marriage equality and contraception, we’re doubling down on our efforts to expand our Democratic majority.

This is our fight – I cannot do it alone. We’re in this together, and that’s why I’m asking for your help.

Contribute before our July 31st deadline so we head into the final 100 days of the election with a strong and growing grassroots base!

Thank you for your ongoing support,

– Jamie


Jamie McLeod-Skinner is a Democrat running for Congress in Oregon's 5th District. She's a small business owner and emergency response coordinator who is committed to addressing the climate crisis, supporting working families, and protecting our democracy. Join our campaign with a donation today.

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Paid for by Jamie For Oregon

Jamie for Oregon
1327 SE Tacoma St. #247
Portland, OR 97202
United States