A lot has been happening in our race, and now we’re in a tough spot.
First, Kevin McCarthy got his #1 recruit to run against me. His name is Tom Patti and he’s not only a huge threat to our campaign, but a huge MAGA supporter.
Then, election forecasters began predicting a “Red Wave” in the Central Valley. Our spring election results proved it - voters split the vote 50/50 between Democrats and Republicans.
Now, we’re up against our next end-of-month deadline and we’re $15,000 behind our goal.
If we lose this race, I don’t even want to imagine what Republicans would do with control of Congress. Criminalizing abortion nationwide, taking away our healthcare, suppressing the vote to make Trump’s 2024 win inevitable - all things they’ll do.
I’m asking you to please help us fight back right now because our kids’ futures are on the line. We’re falling short right now and we really need your help to reach this goal.
I’m leaving a personalized link here so I can say thanks to anyone who gives:
- Josh
Paid For By Harder for Congress
PO Box 4426
Modesto CA 95352 United States