![]() Patriot, When Covid came, everything in America changed almost overnight. The Deep State bureaucracy and dictators in states across the country took control and left the rule of law in the dust. Our rights under the U.S. Constitution and our state constitutions evaporated immediately. We were ordered to stay in our homes, prohibited from our right to assembly. Americans were banned from attending church. Children were prohibited from attending school. Hardware stores in some states were even prohibited from selling seeds. We were told not to wear masks, until we were ordered to. We were told to keep away from each other. All sense of community vanished. Millions of Americans got sick, and many perished. Dying family members were forced to die alone, and funerals were banned. Fear and hatred became the norm, ginned up even more by the mass media. And to this day, the only reason we’ve been “given” much of our freedom back is because there is an election coming up. Everything the government and Deep State did in response to Covid made things worse. The virus swept across the world regardless of their prescribed “safety measures” like isolation, masking, and social distancing. But the lockdowns, the social isolation . . . all of it contributed to even more physical and mental disorders, drug abuse, and suicide. And if – as it seems increasingly likely – the virus didn’t just come out of nowhere but was the direct result of reckless experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with funding and support from American government bureaucrats, that is the crime of the century. To this day, Anthony Fauci’s Nation Institutes of Health (NIH) continue to send hundreds of thousands of dollars to China-based laboratories with deep ties to the regime’s military, including facilities that have worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on bat coronavirus research. Yesterday, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter to Acting Director of the National Institutes of Health, Lawrence A. Tabak, regarding the NIH’s processing of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests related to the origins of COVID-19. As Senator Paul noted, NIH has repeatedly disregarded its responsibilities under FOIA and the American people's right to agency records. For almost two years, public interest groups and media organizations have been forced to engage in protracted litigation to obtain documents related to NIH's involvement in COVID-19. There is a massive cover-up happening. And this cover-up includes everything from the origins of the virus, the collusion between Big Pharma and our health agencies, the altering of critical data, and more. You and I must DEMAND Congress get to the bottom of it and hold those responsible accountable. ![]() That goes for the ill-tested vaccines that were forced on the American people, too. When the government first rolled out the Covid vaccines, they promised us the world – and they lied through their teeth. “The vaccines are perfectly safe!” they declared, despite the vaccines having never been properly tested to determine whether they would change human genetic material, cause birth defects, reduce fertility, or cause cancer. Now a new study has shown they decrease sperm counts for at least five months (when the study ended). “The vaccines will stop the transmission of Covid!” they declared, which now everyone admits is untrue. And they knew the truth when they fed you the lies. Nevertheless, countless public and private entities – government agencies, public schools, colleges, and corporations – demanded their employees get vaccinated as a condition of employment. . . Many are still demanding it today! “People who are vaccinated can’t get Covid!” we were told incessantly. But as former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx recently admitted in a congressional hearing, they knew as far back as January 2021 – weeks after its release – this was untrue. Think of it. As far back as January 2021, Anthony Fauci, the man running America’s response to Covid and the highest-paid government employee, told America Covid was “now an outbreak among the unvaccinated.” It was no small lie, it was a Big Lie, intended to spread fear and hatred among the American people against the smart people who distrusted the government and the pharmaceutical industry. It was a lie to force more lockdowns and shutdowns and mandates and to flex their elitist muscles. They lied about the experimental jabs even being vaccines in the traditional sense of the word, to trick the public into taking these experimental drugs that bear no resemblance to actual vaccines. They treated the world population as their lab rats. All of the economic devastation, drug abuse, suicide, loss of opportunity, destruction of community . . . all of it was caused by the government response to Covid. To this day, politicians in Washington have stymied ALL efforts to get to the truth. The politicians and bureaucrats now mince their words and try to walk back their lies . . . because they know they just might need to face the music! But this is an election year, and politicians are much more likely to listen if enough people make the same demand. That’s why you and I need to DEMAND they take action – now – to continue to build momentum throughout the election season. Patriot, their silence and their inaction is their complicity. We must demand our lawmakers do their job. If our representatives won’t rein in the Deep State and hold those responsible accountable, you and I must hold our representatives and those responsible accountable. Take a moment to send an electronic postcard to your U.S. Representative and Senators and demand they call for a full investigation into the the Covid Cover-Up – and hold those responsible accountable. ![]() Then, please consider pitching in $25, $50, $100, or even $250, $500, or $1,000 so Campaign for Liberty can rally more liberty activists to force accountability and hold Congress’ feet to the fire! You and I must keep the pressure on Congress to uncover the lies and find the truth – and then take action against those who pushed the lies and half-truths on us! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. It only takes a moment to sign your petition and we will deliver it for you. Make your voice heard! Click here to sign your petition and DEMAND they conduct a full investigation and hold people accountable. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and hold our derelict lawmakers accountable. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against government overreach like the Covid hysteria. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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