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Greetings, Comrades! 

Monsoon season continues as we sway between flash floods and humid sunlit days. The irony of it all after raging wildfires isn't lost on us. The phrases of moderate weather leave us chomping at the bit to do some community building, and we want you to join us! There are two main points on the agenda: Our Reproductive Rights campaign and a Community Swap, though more will be discussed in person.

Thanks for reading to the end. We appreciate you taking a few moments out of your time to participate.

Community Swap 7/30 6PM: DSA Volunteers needed!


EARTHCARE and Santa Fe Mutual Aid continue to donate their space for our chapter meetings. Let's pay it forward by signing up for short volunteer slots for their community event!

Click the volunteer form here for more info.


General Meeting +
Reproductive Rights Campaign:

We will have other agenda meetings, including updates on the Midtown campus, but more than anything we want to highlight the start of a current campaign: At the last chapter meeting, Laura volunteered to structure a local abortion action plan, which we'll be discussing at our chapter meeting. With respect to Laura's generous efforts and our limited time, let's all familiarize ourselves with these PowerPoint slides before attending the chapter meeting. 

Both our chapter meeting and the Community Swap are held in the Earthcare office, which you may know as the old YMCA building near the Southside Library Branch:

(Picture links to address on Google Maps)

Sunday 7/31 at 2PM at 6600 Valentine Way (Earthcare & SF Mutual Aid Office) 
Email [email protected] with future agenda items.

Our ability to affect positive change in our community starts with answering the call. Anyone choosing to read this email and participate in their community experiences many benefits: to bring practical dimension to their beliefs, to pour into others while being poured into, and to experience a mental health break from all the isolating and doomscrolling.

If I can be vulnerable, dear reader, we need you. A Starbucks location in ABQ just started the unionizing process... unfortunately after the DSA ABQ chapter has closed. Inquiries bump up to us here in Santa Fe, so we are at a crossroads. With you, we build a support network that affects thousands of people for the better. Without you, our DSA chapter closes and the potential moves elsewhere. I urge you, give what you can in this moment. Invite your local friends with the same values. The cool people who find their way to our meetings inspire me. Let's have more of that!

With that, it will be our pleasure to meet you in person on the 30th or the 31st.

In Solidarity,

Jonathan Vair Duncan
Santa Fe DSA co-chair
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