Dear John --
We all have those people on our holiday list who seem impossible to buy for.
They’re the ones who almost always wind up getting a gift card; the people you get a gift receipt for because you're convinced it’s going back to the store.
Skip all that nonsense this year, because we have a gift no one in their right mind would return: Hope.
Make a tax-deductible tribute donation to the It Gets Better Project today in honor of someone on your list. Tell them why it’s especially important during a season that’s all about giving to support our efforts to uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the globe. We'll send them a card, or you can select from one of our brand new eCards.

Send the message that you believe in a world where hope outshines fear — that you’re committed to standing up and speaking out against hate and intolerance.
Gifts like this make it possible for us to pave the path to a bright future for LGBTQ+ youth. Thanks for paying it forward.
- The It Gets Better Project Team