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EnviroVoters’ Federal Priorities for Climate Action

EnviroVoters has a number of key priorities for the federal government to take bold action on climate, hold corporate polluters accountable, and enhance the land, air, water, and health of all California communities. Those priorities include Congress passing a Reconciliation Package, the Supreme Court expanding, and the Biden Administration designating new National Monuments in California. Check out the page to read more and find out how you can help take action.

Staff Recommendations for Hidden Nature Gems in California

California is full of natural beauty and wonder. So the EnviroVoters staff has recommended some of their favorite parks, beaches, and nature spots that are perhaps a little less famous and less crowded than Yosemite and Joshua Tree but no less majestic, from Kings Canyon and Point Reyes to Zabriskie Point and the Channel Islands.

VIDEO: Public Lands Are a Potential Powerhouse in California

One big solution to solving the climate crisis is public lands. Nearly one quarter of the state is conserved public lands, including national and state public parks and wildlife reserves, and they are a potential powerhouse when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. Watch our video to learn more about the importance of public lands:


VIDEO: SB 260 Will Hold Corporate Polluters Accountable

100 energy companies are responsible for 71% of global industrial emissions. To tackle the climate crisis, we need corporate accountability. Our sponsored bill SB 260, the Climate Corporate Accountability Act, would require the largest corporations in California to publicly disclose their full carbon footprint, because the public deserves full transparency about corporations’ contributions to the climate crisis. SB 260 is gaining momentum; it’s already passed the State Senate and two key Assembly committees. But there’s still work we need to do to get it to Governor Newsom’s desk to be signed into law. Watch our video to learn more about SB 260, then give your Assemblymember a call to make sure they are supporting this critical climate bill.

Did you know? Voting Rights Act Anniversary Is Coming Up

The Voting Rights Act of 1965, signed into law on August 6 by President Lyndon Johnson, was a monumental victory for civil rights, cementing the right to vote for minorities and prohibited racial discrimination in voting. However, voting rights are still under attack. The Supreme Court has dismantled the Voting Rights Act. And people of color continue to be underrepresented in our democracy. In the November 2020 election, the voter registration rates of Asian, Black, and Latino Californians were 10-18% lower than white Californians. EnviroVoters is working with voting rights groups and partners to improve those numbers for the 2022 election and lobby Sacramento to invest in more voter education to close the participation gap.



POLITICO Pro, July 28: “Gavin Newsom is fighting a wealth tax that would fund his own climate goals”

POLITICO California Playbook, July 28: “On the climate fence”

Public Policy Institute of California, July 27: “Anxious California Voters Will Weigh In on Climate Policy this Fall”

The San Bernardino Sun, July 22: “Climate change plans may be a winning strategy for OC, LA candidates despite public polling”

Fresno Bee, July 15: “Fresno State student shares his experience of growing up without safe water at home”

Modern Hiker, July 12: “Op Ed: The PUBLIC Lands Act Strengthens Protections, Expands Access to the Outdoors for Californians”

Sacramento Bee, July 1: “In ‘historic achievement’ for environmentalists, an 11th hour plastics deal becomes law”

CalMatters, July 1: “Lanhee Chen comes clean on Trump, abortion”



California Environmental Voters (formerly CLCV)
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100
Oakland, California 94612
+15102710900 or (800) 755 3224
[email protected]

EnviroVoters is hiring! Join us to work on critical climate legislation work.

California Environmental Voters (EnviroVoters), formerly California League of Conservation Voters, exists to build the political power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. To protect our air, land, water, and future, we organize voters, elect and train candidates, and hold lawmakers accountable for bold policy change. Our vision is to solve the climate crisis, build resilient, connected, healthy communities, and create a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

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